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Building a Simple Typescript ORM around sqlite

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4 Sep 2021CPOL1 min read 5.4K   4  
This is a very easy way to build your ORM and have full control over how the database and query is setup.
In this tip, you will learn how to build a simple TypeScript ORM around your favorite sqlite.


I have worked with C# very often and I love to use ORM based structure when I communicate with the database.

Now I started building apps using react-native and wanted to use sqlite as a storage.

But I hate using SQL queries as is does not look as nice as an ORM.

And when I wanted to use ORM libraries out there, it was very big and had too much code that I did not need, So I build my own ORM.

Using the Code

First, what we need is to be able to know the table structor.

So we would know how the database table would look like. And that's is why our first step is to build TableStructor and its components.

export enum ColumnType {

export class constraint{
    columnName: string;

    constructor(columnName: string, contraintTableName:string, constrainColumnName: string){
        this.columnName = columnName;
        this.contraintTableName = contraintTableName;
        this.contraintColumnName = constrainColumnName;

export class columnStructor {
    columnType: ColumnType;
    nullable?: boolean;
    columnName: string;
    isPrimary?: boolean;
    autoIncrement?: boolean;

    constructor(columnType: ColumnType, columnName: string, 
    isPrimary?: boolean, autoIncrement?: boolean, nullable?: boolean) {
        this.columnType = columnType;
        this.nullable = nullable;
        this.columnName = columnName;
        this.isPrimary = isPrimary;
        this.autoIncrement = autoIncrement;

export default class tablaStructor {
    tableName: string;
    columns: columnStructor[];
    constructor(tableName: string, columns:columnStructor[], constraint?:constraint[]){
        this.tableName = tableName;
        this.columns = columns;
        this.constraints = constraint;

Our next step is to build a base class that other classes could extend. Let's call it BaseModule.

// All your tables names should be added here.
export type TableNames = "Users" | "Items" | "System" 
export default class BaseModule {
    public id: number;
    public tableName: TableNames;
    constructor(tableName: TableNames, id?: number) { = id ?? 0;
        this.tableName = tableName;

And now let's create our Users Module. It should be very simple.

import BaseModule from './baseModule';
import TableStructor, { ColumnType } from './structor';
export default class user extends BaseModule {
  public userName: string;

  public passowrd: string;

  public name: string;
  public age?: number;

  constructor(userName: string, passowrd: string,name: string,age?: number, id?: number) {
    super('Users', id);
    this.userName = userName;
    this.passowrd = passowrd; = name;
    this.age = age;

  // here, you should build your table structure.
  static GetTableStructor() {
    return new TableStructor(
        { columnName: "id", columnType: ColumnType.Number, 
          nullable: false, isPrimary: true, autoIncrement: true },
        { columnName: "userName", columnType: ColumnType.String },
        { columnName: "passowrd", columnType: ColumnType.String },
        { columnName: "name", columnType: ColumnType.String },
        { columnName: "age", columnType: ColumnType.Number, nullable: true },
      // if you need to add a constraint, then here is how you could do it as an example
        //{ contraintTableName: "Person", contraintColumnName: "id", columnName: "person_Id" }

Our next step is to build our repository and we will be using expo-sqlite as our database.

What we need this repository to do is the following:

  1. Setup the database.
  2. Find if the Module has been changed and apply those changes to the database, e.g., when adding and removing new properties from the module.
  3. Save an Item and return the last added item.
  4. Where method to search your database that returns the available item for your query.
  5. Delete item.
   // note: that single, toType are global extension I use, to make things simpler
   import * as SQLite from 'expo-sqlite';
   export default class Repository {
   static dbIni: Boolean;
   databaseName: string;
   database?: SQLite.WebSQLDatabase;
   constructor() {
    this.databaseName = 'mydb.db';

   createConnection = (force?: boolean) => {
       if (!this.database || force)
            this.database = SQLite.openDatabase(this.databaseName);
       return this.database;

   // this is so we know which column the Table is in database container
   allowedKeys = (tableName: string) => {
   return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
       (x) =>
           `PRAGMA table_info(${tableName})`,
           (trans, data) => {
             var keys = [] as string[];
             for (var i = 0; i < data.rows.length; i++) {
               if (data.rows.item(i).name != 'id')
       (error) => {
   }) as Promise<string[]>;

 private find = (query: string, args?: any[], tableName?: TableNames) => {
   var tables = [Users.GetTableStructor()]
   return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
       async (x) => {
         console.log('Executing Find..');
           async (trans, data) => {
             var booleanColumns =
                 tables.find(x => x.tableName == tableName)?.columns.filter
             (x => x.columnType == ColumnType.Boolean);
             console.log('query executed:' + query);
             const translateKeys = (item: any) => {
               if (!item || !booleanColumns || booleanColumns.length <= 0)
                 return item;
               booleanColumns.forEach(column => {

                 if (item[column.columnName] != undefined &&
                     item[column.columnName] != null) {
                   if (item[column.columnName] === 0 ||
                   item[column.columnName] === "0" || item[column.columnName] === false)
                     item[column.columnName] = false;
                   else item[column.columnName] = true;
               return item;
             var items = [] as BaseModule[];
             for (var i = 0; i < data.rows.length; i++) {
               var item = data.rows.item(i);
           (_ts, error) => {
             console.log('Could not execute query:' + query);
             return false;
       (error) => {
         console.log('Could not execute query:' + query);
   }) as Promise<basemodule[]>;

async where<t>(tableName: TableNames, query?: any | T) {
   var q = `SELECT * FROM ${tableName} ${query ? 'WHERE ' : ''}`;
   var values = [] as any[];
   if (query && Object.keys(query).length > 0) {
     Object.keys(query).forEach((x, i) => {
       var start = x.startsWith('$') ?
       x.substring(0, x.indexOf('-')).replace('-', '') : undefined;
       if (!start) {
         q += x + '=? ' + (i < Object.keys(query).length - 1 ? 'AND ' : '');
       } else {
         if (start == '$in') {
           var v = query[x] as [];
           q += x.replace("$in-", "") + ' IN (';
           v.forEach((item, index) => {
             q += '?' + (index < v.length - 1 ? ', ' : '');
         q += ') ' + (i < Object.keys(query).length - 1 ? 'AND ' : '');
   return (
     (await this.find(q, values, tableName))
       .map((x) => {
         x.tableName = tableName;
         return x;
       .toType<t>() ?? []

   // get the last inserted or updated item.
   async selectLastRecord<t>(item: BaseModule) {
   console.log('Executing SelectLastRecord... ');
   if (!item.tableName) {
     console.log('Table name cant be empty for:');
   return (
     await this.find(! || <= 0 ? `SELECT * FROM ${item.tableName} _
     ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;` : `SELECT * FROM ${item.tableName} WHERE id=?;`, && > 0 ? [] : undefined, item.tableName)
   ).toType<t>().map((x: any) => { x.tableName = item.tableName; return x; }).single<t>();

 delete = async (item: BaseModule, tableName?: TableNames) => {
   tableName = item.tableName ?? tableName;
   var q = `DELETE FROM ${tableName} WHERE id=?`;
   await this.execute(q, []);

 // this method will update and insert depending on Id and parameter insertOnly
 public save<t>(item?: BaseModule, insertOnly?: Boolean, tableName?: TableNames) {
   if (!item) return undefined;
   if (!item.tableName || item.tableName.length <= 3)
       item.tableName = tableName ?? "ApplicationSettings";
   return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
     try {
       console.log('Executing Save...');
       var items = await this.where<basemodule>(item.tableName, { id: });
       var keys = (await this.allowedKeys(item.tableName)).filter((x) =>

       let query = '';
       let args = [] as any[];
       if (items.length > 0) {
         if (insertOnly) return;
         query = `UPDATE ${item.tableName} SET `;
         keys.forEach((k, i) => {
           query += ` ${k}=? ` + (i < keys.length - 1 ? ',' : '');
         query += ' WHERE id=?';
       } else {
         query = `INSERT INTO ${item.tableName} (`;
         keys.forEach((k, i) => {
           query += k + (i < keys.length - 1 ? ',' : '');
         query += ') values(';
         keys.forEach((k, i) => {
           query += '?' + (i < keys.length - 1 ? ',' : '');
         query += ')';
       keys.forEach((k: string, i) => {
         args.push((item as any)[k] ?? null);
       if (items.length > 0) args.push(;

       await this.execute(query, args);
       resolve(((await this.selectLastRecord<t>(item)) ?? item) as T);
     } catch (error) {
   }) as Promise<t>;

 // this is a simple execute SQL query.
 private timeout?: any;
 private execute = async (query: string, args?: any[]) => {
   return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
       (tx) => {
         this.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
           console.log("timed out")
           reject("Query Timeout");
         }, 2000);
         console.log('Execute Query:' + query);
           (tx, results) => {
             console.log('Statment has been executed....' + query);
           (_ts, error) => {
             console.log('Could not execute query');
             return false;
       (error) => {
         console.log('db executing statement, has been terminated');
         throw 'db executing statement, has been terminated';

 // validate of the gevin module differs from the database table
 private validate = async (item: TablaStructor) => {
   var appSettingsKeys = await this.allowedKeys(item.tableName);
   return appSettingsKeys.filter(x => x != "id").length != item.columns.filter
   (x => x.columnName != "id").length || item.columns.filter(x => x.columnName != "id" &&
   !appSettingsKeys.find(a => a == x.columnName)).length > 0;

 private cloneItem<t>(item: any, appended: any, ignoreKeys?: string[]) {
   var newItem = {} as any;
   if (appended === undefined)
     return item;
   Object.keys(item).forEach((x) => {
     if (Object.keys(appended).find((f) => f == x) &&
     appended[x] !== undefined && (!ignoreKeys || !ignoreKeys.includes(x)))
       newItem[x] = appended[x];
     else newItem[x] = item[x];
   return (newItem as T);

 setUpDataBase = async (forceCheck?: boolean) => {
   if (!Repository.dbIni || forceCheck) {
     const dbType = (columnType: ColumnType) => {
       if (columnType == ColumnType.Boolean || columnType == ColumnType.Number)
         return "INTEGER";
       if (columnType == ColumnType.Decimal)
         return "REAL";
       return "TEXT";
     console.log(`dbIni= ${Repository.dbIni}`);
     console.log(`forceCheck= ${forceCheck}`);
     console.log("initialize database table setup");
     this.createConnection(true); // make sure to close all transaction.
     var tables =[User.GetTableStructor()] // all your table in the right orders
     await tables.asyncForeach(async (table) => {
       var query = `CREATE TABLE if not exists ${table.tableName} (`;
       table.columns.forEach((col, index) => {
         query += `${col.columnName} ${dbType(col.columnType)} ${!col.nullable ?
         "NOT NULL" : ""} ${col.isPrimary ? "UNIQUE" : ""},\n`
       table.columns.filter(x => x.isPrimary === true).forEach((col, index) => {
         query += `PRIMARY KEY(${col.columnName} ${col.autoIncrement === true ?
         "AUTOINCREMENT" : ""})` + (index < table.columns.filter
         (x => x.isPrimary === true).length - 1 ? ",\n" : "\n");

       if (table.constraints && table.constraints.length > 0) {
         query += ",";
         table.constraints.forEach((col, index) => {
           query += `CONSTRAINT "fk_${col.columnName}" FOREIGN KEY(${col.columnName})
           REFERENCES ${col.contraintTableName}(${col.contraintColumnName})` +
           (index < (table.constraints?.length ?? 0) - 1 ? ",\n" : "\n");

       query += ");";
       await this.execute(query);

 // this is where you will find all your giving module changes
 // and apply it to the database
   newDataBaseStructure = async () => {
   var items = [] as {tableName:TableNames, items:BaseModule[]}[];

   if (await this.validate(User.GetTableStructor())) {"Structor changes has been found in User.");
     var users = await this.where<user>("Users");
     if (users.length) {
       items.push({ tableName: "Users", items: => this.cloneItem
       (new User(x.userName, x.password,, x.age), x, ["id", "tableName"])) });
     await this.execute(`DROP TABLE if exists Users`);

   // Insert the old data to the new table and apply your module change
   if (items.length > 0) {
     await this.setUpDataBase(true);
     this.createConnection(true); // make sure to close all transaction.
     await items.reverse().asyncForeach(async x => {`Ìnserting items into ${x.tableName}`);
       await x.items.asyncForeach(async item => {
         var savedItem = await, undefined, x.tableName);
     this.createConnection(true); // make sure to close all transaction.
     return true;

Well, that is it!

Now we should be able to make queries very simple.

See below:

var rep= new Repository();
// When your app starts, run this
await rep.setUpDataBase();
await rep.newDataBaseStructure();

// thereafter, run your command.
var users = await rep.where<User>("Users", {age: 20});
// Or
 var users = await rep.where<User>("Users",
 {"$in-age": [20,30, 25], userName: "testUser"});

users[0].age = 35;
var changedUser = await<User>(users[0]);

Points of Interest

This is a very easy way to build your ORM and have full control over how the database and query are setup.


  • 4th September, 2021: Initial version


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
Sweden Sweden
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

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