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Comments by Bhushan Mehetre (Top 15 by date)

Bhushan Mehetre 17-May-19 5:36am View    
Debugger is getting stopped it comes to line of code where assigning dt(Datatset) to crystal report object.
Bhushan Mehetre 17-May-19 2:14am View    
Thanks for the reply.

I am developing this windows application using c#.
I tried to debuge the code to find the error but have no luck because application is crashing without exception on the line below.


I have a form with report viewer to which I am assigning the crystal report object.

The sequence is some what like I am choosing the invoice no and click on view button. Then rystal report open fine. but when I try to view invoice for another invoice
released application .exe/debugger(I tried both) get crashed without any error. To find the crash reason I check the windows log event and I have 2 entries there for the same crash.
Both are mentioned on my first comment.
Below is the code where my application is crashing.

private void ViewInvoice0(Int32 invoiceId, Int32 v1, int ReportNo, String startYear, String endYear)
if (ReportNo == 0)
GSTSnehdeep.Invoice.NewInvoice NewINv = new GSTSnehdeep.Invoice.NewInvoice();//Crystal report file object
DataSet dt = DAL.GenerateInvoiceDAL.getNewSalesInvoiceDetail(invoiceId, v1, startYear, endYear);

NewINv.SetDataSource(dt);//Assigning the datasource to crystal report object //application crashing here 2nd time

crv_salesInvoice.ReportSource = NewINv;//Assigning crystal report to viewer
crv_salesInvoice.ToolPanelView = CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.ToolPanelViewType.None;
NewINv.SetParameterValue("ReportNumber", "1");

catch (Exception ee)
MessageBox.Show(ee.ToString(), DAL.GSTSNDPConstant.CompanyName.ToString(), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

Please let me know if you need anything extra.
Bhushan Mehetre 9-Dec-15 1:56am View    
Can you refine your question. like with the help of situation/condition
Bhushan Mehetre 14-Aug-14 2:53am View    
Is there any relation on this two drop down list... ??
Bhushan Mehetre 7-Aug-14 2:20am View    
Is your text box in table ?
If it is then, you should check that u have not applied align center.