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Entity Framework


Great Reads

by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Mapping properties in EF model to database columns that contain JSON
by Kenji Elzerman
Fundamentals of Entity Framework
by Akhil Mittal
Entity framework core, code first migrations and data annotations in EF Core
by Jean Carlo S. Passos
CRUD over Association Entity that maps to association tables

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by Bert O Neill
How Entity Framework Core 6 or 7 projects can take advantage of EF Core 8's OpenJson without having to migrate to EF Core 8 - using a custom NuGet Package for SQL Server
by David_Cui
To introduce a free library to save some tedious work for writing mapping code between entities and DTOs
by Mark Pelf
Fix for adding new DB tables does not work in VS 2022, ver. 17.6.2, EF6 (Classic)
by Mark Pelf
Tutorial on EF7 – Code First approach using Command Line (CLI)

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Entity Framework 

12 Feb 2011 by Sandeepkumar Ramani
Parallelism in .NET – PLINQ
2 Jun 2015 by Gediminas Geigalas
I've been successfully using NHibernate as my first ORM for a few years. For the last year, I have decided to use Entity Framework instead. Here's what I liked and disliked.
15 Jan 2021 by
How to implement paging and sorting to yield good performance
5 Dec 2010 by Gil Fink
How to Separate Self-Tracking Entities to Their Own Class Library
12 Dec 2010 by Gil Fink
EF Feature CTP5: Inheritance Scenarios with Code First Fluent API
19 Apr 2016 by Sacha Barber
Entity framework 7 in memory provider test
7 Sep 2019 by Lee P Richardson
This blog post lists 3 days to refactor EF Linq queries without killing Perf
18 Jul 2010 by Gil Fink
One question that I received yesterday after I published the Revisiting the Repository  and Unit of Work Patterns with Entity Framework post was how to include the eager loading ability of Entity Framework. This post is offering a solution.R
11 Dec 2010 by Gil Fink
Using EF DbContext with WCF Data Services
9 Nov 2015 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
EntityType: EntitySet ‘[Entity Name]’ is Based on Type ‘[Entity Name]’ that has no keys defined
17 Sep 2009 by mrjvdveen
This time I would like to share an experience with you that I had trying to get inspiration to solve issues more effectively.
23 Dec 2009 by Bryan Thomas Weikel
CodeProject"LEK" is a three-tier .NET WinForms accounting application that can be configured at run time to use either LINQ to SQL, Entity Framework or NHibernate to access data in either a "main" or "testing" SQL Server database.
8 Aug 2010 by Gil Fink
The post shows how to combine Table Per Hierarchy and Entity Splitting methods
12 Aug 2010 by rudigrobler
Building OpenPOS – Code First
15 Oct 2010 by mrjvdveen
Adventures while building a Silverlight Enterprise application
20 Jan 2011 by Gil Fink
Adding Metadata to Entities in The Data Model
1 Feb 2011 by AlexCode
EF4 DbDataRecord ConvertTo
27 Feb 2011 by Gil Fink
My SDP Lecture Interview
7 Mar 2011 by Tom Janssens
Continuous thinking: just ship it - the story of NerdBeers
25 Apr 2011 by Gil Fink
A simple example of making a JSONP call to a WCF Data Service using jQuery.
27 May 2011 by ambilykk
ASP.NET MVC3 Controller with Entity Framework CodeFirst
20 Aug 2009 by mrjvdveen
In this article I will describe to you why I want to change my blog, what I'm trying to achieve, how I plan to do that and whats in it all for you.Why?After writing only a few articles in Blogger and reading up on how to build a usable blog, I knew that at some point I would have to replace Blo
18 Aug 2009 by mrjvdveen
Well, here we are again, already for part #9 of our series on using Silverlight in an Enterprise application.
18 Aug 2009 by mrjvdveen
Well, it's been a while again. Sorry about that, but it's been really hectic around here.At the moment we are digging into the back end of our application. You may remember from previous episodes that we use WCF services in our back end.
31 Jul 2010 by Thomas Weller
CodeProjectUpdate 29/04/10:In contrary to what I initially stated in this post, Moles is not only available as part of the Pex framework, but also stand-alone on Visual Studio Gallery, and this is completely free (no MSDN subscription required). - Thanks to Peli for the correction...
23 Aug 2010 by rudigrobler
Historically Microsoft has always focused on the “Database first” model, where you build a database and then from this database create a data layer… With Entity Framework 4, we now can do what is referred to as “Model first” design.
9 Dec 2010 by mrjvdveen
In this post, we look at an issue we had while implementing a specific form of data entry for our application. Basically there was an oversight in our reasoning about CRUD operations that needed fixing. It also shows the power of GUIDs.
6 Jan 2011 by mrjvdveen
As we are close to releasing our first version and we will have some time on our hands to do clean up on our sources, today we want to look at some of the things we would like to do in order to improve our codebase.
22 Mar 2011 by Adrian Alexander
Microsoft Embraces the Domain Model
20 Jan 2011 by Leom Burke
EF Code First and WPF with the Chinook database. Part 1b – the provider
7 Feb 2011 by Leom Burke
A look at unit testing data access when using Entity Framework code first
3 Jun 2020 by Jeremy Likness
A primer on using LINQ to wring strongly typed queries directly in code
15 Oct 2012 by Monjurul Habib
Domain Model Layer will be better isolated from infrastructure implementation. Everything what you can configure with DataAnnotations is also possible with the Fluent API. The reverse is not true. So, from the viewpoint of configuration options and flexibility the Fluent API is “better”.
18 Aug 2010 by Gil Fink
This post will introduce the select N+1 pitfall and explain how to avoid it in Entity Framework.
19 Mar 2012 by Rui Jarimba
Extension methods for ObjectContext and DbContent to get the mapped table name from an entity
21 Jan 2016 by Spencer Schneidenbach
A useful paging model using ASP.NET Web API, Entity Framework, and AutoMapper
30 Jun 2010 by Ali Ozgur
IntroI've been recently working on a smart client (WinForms) application backed by Entitiy Framework 4 (EF4) on Visual Studio 2010.
27 Oct 2014 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Of course, as the name suggests, it is the upcoming version of ASP.NET.
18 Mar 2010 by Sam Meacham
So what’s wrong with EF’s TPT inheritance? The SQL that EF generates. With some simple testing (2 or 3 subclasses) everything may appear to be fine. In fact, you may even be impressed that EF manages to fetch all the data you need in a single trip, indeed, in a single query.
26 Jan 2011 by Gil Fink
The book is all about Entity Framework 4.
21 Nov 2019 by Jeremy Likness
Build data-driven .NET applications with seamless client-server communication using fluent C# LINQ over OData (like GraphQL but without the JSON).
5 Aug 2010 by Andre Vianna
Some techniques to code each part of the sentence with some samples.
7 Jun 2009 by StormySpike
Alright, let’s assume that we are lazy coders, we have building a lot of Linq queries lately, and it’s getting repetitive. We keep having to remember to add a certain where clause to every query, couldn’t we just abstract this somehow?
11 Aug 2010 by Gil Fink
One of the important tools in your tool arsenal when you develop with an ORM tool is a profiler. This is a review of EFProf.
14 May 2010 by JasonShort
There are some new operations in .NET 4 Entity Framework. This a quick example of each working with VistaDB 4 and Visual Studio 2010.
18 Jul 2010 by Gil Fink
Using Conditional Mapping in Entity Framework when we want to retrieve only a portion of data from a table in the database permanently by some filter.
25 Sep 2015 by Arian Celina
This article is a part of a multi-post article on Entity Framework Code First for web applications: Entity Framework Code First Entities and entity relationships What do you need to know about Entity Framework Data Context Entity Framework Migrations and Data seeding This article is the second
23 Jun 2019 by Vlad Neculai Vizitiu
4 Jun 2011 by mazhou
The DbContext.Database.SqlQuery() method offers a way to execute a SQL command then map the returning result set to a strongly typed object or a list of strongly typed objects.
18 Jul 2010 by Gil Fink
In the past I wrote two posts about the Repository and the Unit of Work patterns (here and here). Today I want to show a better and less naive solution for imposing the Unit of Work and the Repository patterns with Entity Frame
10 Jun 2010 by JasonShort
Exposing OData from an Entity Framework Model
25 May 2011 by ambilykk
EntityFramework CodeFirst – DbContext Initializer
23 Sep 2015 by Arian Celina
This article is a part of a multi-post article on Entity Framework Code First for web applications: Entity Framework Code First Entities and entity relationships Entity Framework Data Context Entity Framework Migrations and Data seeding It is not very often that I see web development tutorials
3 May 2019 by Rion Williams
Smooth transactions with TransactionScope
16 Aug 2009 by Farooq Kaiser
In this article, I will explore the entity framework with ASP.NET MVC. We will modify the form validation sample that will access the data layer using the Entity Framework.
7 Jun 2010 by Charles Boyung
Var is Bad
14 Nov 2018 by Vlad Neculai Vizitiu
Modifiers in C# - use and abuse
1 May 2015 by Jamie Munro
Entity framework is a great ORM provided by Microsoft.  There are a ton of examples of how to get up and running with it really quickly.