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Great Reads

by Don Hoang
This post describes implementing ASP.NET Editable Gridview using Bootstrap 4
by Saurabh Nayar
A simple beginners tutorial for less.css.
by Cindy Potvin
Many options of the .LESS CSS parser can be set directly from the Web.config file, but many of them are not clearly described. Here is my attempt to document them.
by ASP.NET Community
The CompareValidator control compares the value of one control to another, or to an explicit value in the control's ValueToCompare property.

Latest Articles

by Evoluteur
A web color picker which looks like the one in Microsoft Office 2010
by Kalvin Lawrence Ernst
A sample application code which is an alternative to using libraries such as AngularJS, React, Vue, etc. Only jQuery and bootstrap are used in conjunction with vanilla JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
by Don Hoang
This post describes implementing ASP.NET Editable Gridview using Bootstrap 4
by Daniel Miller
This article describes the C# implementation for a high-performance role-based access control list.

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30 Jul 2019 by Don Hoang
This post describes implementing ASP.NET Editable Gridview using Bootstrap 4
2 Oct 2013 by Saurabh Nayar
A simple beginners tutorial for less.css.
2 Apr 2014 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The simplest approach is really very simple, but doing it all from scratch just means a lot of work. Here is the idea: don't use a "regular" text box. You can make any block HTML element, such as div or paragraph, typeable, by using the attribute contenteditable. And other HTML content (tags...
14 Jan 2014 by Cindy Potvin
Many options of the .LESS CSS parser can be set directly from the Web.config file, but many of them are not clearly described. Here is my attempt to document them.
13 Jul 2015 by Anil Vaghasiya
Hello,Just Check the nth Child in odd and even rowwisetr:nth-child(odd) { background: #ff0000;}tr:nth-child(even) { background: #dddd21;} Hi i am in first row first column Hi i am in second row first column...
8 Mar 2021 by Chris Copeland
You may need a JS library to handle the compilation of LESS/SASS to CSS, but even then it's not absolutely mandatory. In theory a standard LESS/SASS pre-processed into CSS shouldn't require any accompanying JS files. For example, in our Java...
30 Jul 2013 by PeterHall
Hello,I've written a program to send out an email when currentstock goes below minimumrequired.Here's part of my code: Dim con As New SqlConnection Dim cmd As New SqlCommand con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=######;Initial Catalog=######;Integrated...
31 Jul 2013 by Adarsh chauhan
I think issue is with datatype of CurrentStock & MinimumRequired.check for datatype.for eg. below case will say 2 is greater then 10declare @a varchar(10)declare @b varchar(10)set @a='10'set @b='2'select case when @a >@b then @a +' is greater' when @a = @b then 'Both...
24 Aug 2013 by Mahesh Bailwal
It seems like that dataFromClient does not contains "$" and that's why dataFromClient.IndexOf("$") is returning -1 which causing dataFromClient.Substring(0, dataFromClient.IndexOf("$")) to throw "Length cannot be less than zero" exception.Please debug and check it.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
The CompareValidator control compares the value of one control to another, or to an explicit value in the control's ValueToCompare property.
31 Oct 2013 by Stephen Hewison
Hi,I have the following less definition.gradient(@from, @to) { background-color: @from; filter: ~"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='@{from}',endColorstr='@{to}')"; background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, from(@from), to(@to)); ...
7 Jul 2014 by Keenan Payne
In my LESS project I am having issues getting my guarded mixins working with variables that I declared in another file. Here is the code I am working with: _defaults.less (contains all of my variables) //------------------------------------// // @INCLUDE ...
1 Sep 2015 by Peter Occil
This page introduces a LESS template that sets fonts and font features for CSS stylesheets.
10 May 2016 by Raje_
You need to add MIME type in your config file : Please try this and let me know if it works.
29 Jul 2016 by C#SnakeByte
Hey, i want to create a SPA with MVC where my content will be rendered as partial views inside bootstrap panels, that have to be - docking on each other only horizontally- have dependency to the previous (left) window- be closable, regarding the dependencyFor example, my demo app...
29 Jul 2016 by Prasath 1992
Jquery animation is not working for following code Home About us Why...
8 Mar 2021 by Patrick Skelton
I thought this question would be dead easy to answer but it doesn't seem obvious to me just reading documentation. I'd like to add a small amount of power (i.e. mainly syntactic assistance) to my CSS. I'm looking at SASS and LESS, which both...
10 Dec 2015 by Daniel Miller
This article describes the C# implementation for a high-performance role-based access control list.
2 Oct 2020 by Evoluteur
A web color picker which looks like the one in Microsoft Office 2010
2 May 2020 by Kalvin Lawrence Ernst
A sample application code which is an alternative to using libraries such as AngularJS, React, Vue, etc. Only jQuery and bootstrap are used in conjunction with vanilla JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
16 May 2013 by Rojan Gh.
A brief guide for web developers, describing how to customize Twitter Bootstrap for their web designs
10 Feb 2014 by Cindy Potvin
LESS: An easier way to create CSS stylesheets
2 Apr 2014 by Hitesh Rohilla
Hello to allI want to know how to make code editor with color markup utility to be used on a webpage. example of such utility is ACE CLOUD9 EDITORthe main query is how i can markup code with different colors? what technique i should use. I guess it happens with the help of css not...
24 Aug 2013 by Member 10229232
Dim serverSocket As New TcpListener(1200) Dim clientSocket As TcpClient Dim counter As Integer serverSocket.Start() msg("Chat Server Started.") counter = 0 While (True) counter += 1 clientSocket =...
24 Aug 2013 by Member 10229232
I made it a little better for you to understand.
15 Dec 2014 by ravikpm
Pass the css value dynamically using LESS, It works fine in google chrome but not supported in firefox and ie[11](browser compatibility issue).Consider the below screen shot code, That it works perfectly on google chrome but not supported by firefox and IE.[ie., CSS attribute backgroundcolor...
13 Jul 2015 by Member 11491784
Hi i am in first row first column then i created .less filebody{ background :red;}td{background-color :red;}}But its not changing the column color.can anyone help
10 May 2016 by Er. Pradeep Kumar Rai
I am just getting this message on index page when we use .less file FileError: 'http://localhost:40733/Content/mainsite.less' wasn't found (404)in mainsite.less What I have tried: Demo Less