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Articles by JudyL_MD (Tip/Trick: 1)

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Mobile Apps
9 Mar 2023   Updated: 13 Mar 2024   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 5   Popularity: 3.49
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Code sample for passing encrypted compressed data between Windows and Android

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Technical Lead
United States United States
Doing this stuff for nearly 40 years now. Lots of GUIs, drivers, services, all starting on Windows 3.1 all the way through 11 with some CE / Windows Mobile thrown in way back when. I've been doing Android in addition to Windows for over 10 years. My stuff has all been one-of-a-kind for various external customers and in-house use, nothing commercial. Problem domain is usually data gathering, hardware control, "allow the user to control it easily," and data analysis / manipulation.

Prior MO was to get an assignment of "build us something to do X," create requirements after a huddle with the hardware engineers, get customer approval, and build it. If it took more than 9 months, it was unusual! Now, I'm working on the "same" thing on both Windows and Android -- not true cross platform (except for the C underneath doing data manipulation) but a project that does the same thing on both Windows and Android, and can exchange data between the two platforms. The product runs on a 9 - 12 month release cycle, so it's still mostly the same MO, just now features / enhancements to the same product instead of creating a new product each time.

I work mostly in Windows and Android but I did have a 2.5 year period where I was Linux heavy with the requirement of cross-platform with Embedded Windows XP - a full system from PCI driver through service / daemon to UI. A controller / test bench running on the single-board-computer sitting on a proprietary board with some cutting-edge hardware.