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Comments by Oliver Bleckmann (Top 27 by date)

Oliver Bleckmann 12-Mar-22 6:33am View    
I think he/she is trying to reassemble a graph-database that was serialized to a hierarchy with additional rules. The problem is that reference cycles can occur. So, two problems here restoring a graph is hard e.g. Newtonsoft Json reports on self referencing loops. Second, implementing a rule engine is hard, because a practical approach heavily depends on the rules to consider AND a mathematically DETERMINISTIC description of the information to be restored. It may be impossible to restore due to conceptional mistakes. A person 'has' a house AND a person 'has' a car AND the car 'isin' the house. Loop! Person->house->car->person, but a car can also be in the house of another person, no loop, go on traversing... So, it heavily depends on the implementation. No general answer how to resolve this. I can see one way here, as the work items have a unique id, traversing should stop as soon as a work item has been FULLY processed. So you need to 'await' on each work item till its descendants have a back reference to the item OR the whole list of items has been processed. Possibly inefficent. This could be a perfect example that SHOULD NOT be solved recursivly! The problem is, depending on the rules you may have what I would call 'path dependencies'. As soon has there are 'hasMany' relations, all possiple paths of a matrix of all workItems can be related to (maybe) all other matrices by the specific path taken by the applied rules. If these rules introduce bidirectional interdependencies or complex rules like a person can only have a car if there is a garage. GAME OVER! A deterministic approach: process each item just one level of depth applying each rule THEN repeat with the next depth and just STOP at a certain depth.
Oliver Bleckmann 11-Oct-16 15:47pm View    
did your forget the permission in the manifest? Else, try this and see if it works. that do the dev tools tell you using a browser? try using window.location.replace instead. And, check if a CSP is violated. Serve jquery from your domain. Refactor to not use inline scritps. see this issue
Oliver Bleckmann 11-Dec-15 11:40am View    
And, there is another good reason to stick to the C#/ASP.NET Stack, money! These developers are rare and better payed. Though I switched to node.js for good reasons, I would bet in the near future all the script-kiddy-js-developers will call them self's node.js developers. OMG!
Oliver Bleckmann 28-Aug-14 17:02pm View    
What do you mean by "transfer"?

See the example! As it is valid JavaScript, it is as clear as it could be (in a mathematically sense)!

Oh, OK, got it. This could be misleading. I am not talking about parsing. It's about object transformation like there dozens of samples at the underscore website e.g.

var stooges = [{name: 'moe', age: 40}, {name: 'larry', age: 50}, {name: 'curly', age: 60}];
_.pluck(stooges, 'name');
=> ["moe", "larry", "curly"]