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by Xavier Junqué i de Fortuny
Polynomials Math Parser and Evaluator in VB.NET
by honey the codewitch
Implementing a simple JSON parser with Visual FA
by Akkilz
How to generate Jwt security token for Application pool identity or logged on user using OAuth 2 from ADFS
by Taiseer Joudeh
This is the third part of the tutorial which will cover Using Azure AD B2C tenant with ASP.NET Web API 2 and various front-end clients. Azure Active Directory B2C Overview and Policies Management – (Part 1) Secure ASP.NET Web API 2 using Azure AD B2C – (Part 2) Integrate Azure Active Dir

Latest Articles

by honey the codewitch
Implementing a simple JSON parser with Visual FA
by GerVenson
Morstachio, the upstarter of Mustachio. Formatter and best friend
by Xavier Junqué i de Fortuny
Polynomials Math Parser and Evaluator in VB.NET
by Aram Tchekrekjian
How to apply JWT Access Tokens and Refresh Tokens in ASP.NET Core Web API 6

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4 May 2022 by Xavier Junqué i de Fortuny
Polynomials Math Parser and Evaluator in VB.NET
14 Apr 2024 by honey the codewitch
Implementing a simple JSON parser with Visual FA
13 Mar 2017 by Akkilz
How to generate Jwt security token for Application pool identity or logged on user using OAuth 2 from ADFS
30 Aug 2016 by Taiseer Joudeh
This is the third part of the tutorial which will cover Using Azure AD B2C tenant with ASP.NET Web API 2 and various front-end clients. Azure Active Directory B2C Overview and Policies Management – (Part 1) Secure ASP.NET Web API 2 using Azure AD B2C – (Part 2) Integrate Azure Active Dir
8 May 2013 by «_Superman_»
This is not possible with strtok because this function inserts a NULL character at the end of the token.You could do the following to get what you want - pch = strchr(TempStr, ' ');pch = strchr(pch + 1, ' ');pch = strchr(pch + 1, ' ');pch = strchr(pch + 1, ' ');Another thing I...
29 Sep 2016 by GaneshRfromSpace
Finally after major changes, my code worked fine for all test cases. Posting it here, if anyone in the future comes up with the same problem.import*;import java.util.*;import java.util.regex.*; public class Solution { public static void main(String[] args) { ...
6 Nov 2012 by Ahmed Pc
I have a problem with [upload_fid] drupal token, this token gets all the uploaded files in the node, I want to get the first uploaded file only, please help me.Thanks
23 Jan 2013 by Pinank_CD
Hi,I want to implement token based authentication and authorization for my WCF services(multiple) where username and password will be sent along with custom token generated in encrypt format. Also need to provide authorization on operation contract. i will not be using aspnet management...
24 Jan 2013 by P_Dash
You can put all your Service files in a Folder & Arrange Forms Authentication for it.But it might come with demerits when portable devices are going to consume your Service.Otherwise you can follow the below links for Service contract level Security & Encryption:WCF Service Method...
26 Mar 2013 by mithun_linux
Hello everyone :)Warm Greetings !!!I have created a SDI Application to display a text fle after tokenizing it. While creating SDI application i gave the base class as "CView" .My requierement is in the output window i have to click File->Open->"xxx.txt" and the output needs to be...
26 Mar 2013 by Richard MacCutchan
You are using _tprintf_s which prints a formatted string to stdout, as described here on MSDN[^]. You need to create an internal structure, array or similar in the file reading code, which will contain all your tokens in some useful order. Then in your OnPaint method you render that data onto...
27 Nov 2013 by AlexDpars
Hi,I did build a MVC 4 Web API and got it work cross domain by allowing all origin. Now I would like to implement a custom security for my api but I don't know how. There is what I want to do... I would like to send response when domain origin and a token passed on an header match what I have...
13 Feb 2014 by ashish8patil
Hi All, I am developing client application which communicates with OPC UA server.This server can accept Windows access token.Before passing windows Access token to the server I want to convert in WS-Security compliant Security Token.1) Since my application is running on windows I believe...
13 Feb 2015 by Chad Cromer
Hello,I am working through some MVC 6 and ASP.NET 5 samples and I am having issues finding any worthy documentation on using bearer tokens to secure API's. I am able to make such samples work with VS 2013, MVC 5 but I am unable to port these over to VS 2015 and MVC 6. Does anyone know of...
22 Feb 2015 by Velkumar Kannan
Hi, I have a web api2 application. I would like to generate token for authentication... How can i create token for authentication??????????Could you provide a sample for this............. Whether OWIN is needed for token based authentication....????????????????
22 Feb 2015 by stibee
In my last project I used the mechanisme which Taiseer Joudeh described very good on:[^]This works perfect!
2 Dec 2015 by Member 11853258
I am creating an Web API 2 project which will contain services that will be accessed by a variety of client types. (iOS, android, web) I would like to use tokens.I have a user/password store in MongoDB, and would like to authenticate against this, rather than using the membership...
10 Apr 2016 by Shaahinm
I am trying to learn Angular2and I am trying to create a simple blog with authentication.this here is my add a new post method:[Authorize]// POST: api/Postpublic PostModel Post([FromBody]PostViewModel model){ var post = new PostModel { Body =...
2 Feb 2017 by sonymon mishra
It will create different token for each user session. This is like a one-time user token.What you can do is:1. Call "http://address/Token" along with username=xxxx&password=xxxx&grant_type=password as request as body.2. Store the received token locally(in session variable if using server...
5 Nov 2021 by Member 12485594
To get access token through program the smart sheet documentation tells to register the third party application using the Developer tools option which requires "APP URL" and "APP Redirect URL". My application being a console project how can i specify "APP URL" and "APP Redirect URL". What I...
28 Jul 2017 by Graeme_Grant
If you mean Developer Portal | Smartsheet Developers[^], this sample should answer your questions: GitHub - smartsheet-samples/csharp-read-write-sheet: C# sample application that loads a sheet, updates selected cells, and saves the results[^]
24 Oct 2018 by Virendra S from Bangalore, Karnataka
how to use one session token to reference properties stored in a server side cache?. for ASP.Net Web application. This is for to prevent URL manipulation(manipulation of parameters exchanged between client and server such as user credentials and permissions), I'm new to this section please...
10 Dec 2018 by Aitzaz Ahsan
This is my statrup Class public partial class Startup { public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app) { HttpConfiguration config = new HttpConfiguration(); ConfigureOAuth(app); WebApiConfig.Register(config); ...
23 Jan 2019 by Apriorit Inc, MikeSotnichek
The article with a practical solution to the problem.
15 Mar 2019 by Apriorit Inc, MikeSotnichek
We analyze the pros and cons of formal verification.
27 May 2020 by Grupo Microsistemas
Hello, i have an app that send emails correctly, the problem is later that day a error shows up saying "Authentication Error code:334". I think that i need to refresh the token or maybe gmail smtp have a limit for free emails. What I have tried:...
27 May 2020 by Garth J Lancaster
Pretty sure you asked the same thing recently .. this post Q: How do I authenticate with an OAUTH2 access token? · Issue #606 · jstedfast/MailKit · GitHub[^] points out that await credential.RefreshTokenAsync(CancellationToken.None); seems to...
28 May 2020 by Eliza Maria
I have a login method where I am trying to pass a token into the header along with the credentials and the format "application/json" but unfortunately I am getting a 415 unsupported media type and I don't understand why.I understand the fact that...
16 Sep 2020 by Chris Copeland
I'm not particularly au fait when it comes to modern JS and the classes available to it, but if you're concerned about asynchronous web requests refreshing the token at the same time, you'd have to look into something like a Mutex. For the flow...
13 Oct 2020 by Member 14963503
Trying to get the access_token data from `token--url` and use it for GET request to fetch the RESTapi data of another application(which is not developed by me. The token which we get using POST method will be used to get access for fetching the...
5 Nov 2021 by Member 15420098
Are you talking about Client secret expiry or the API token expiry? The client secret we generate under developer tools will expire in 7 days. IS the API token we generate under Apps and integration will expire in 7 days too?
17 Feb 2022 by Aram Tchekrekjian
How to apply JWT Access Tokens and Refresh Tokens in ASP.NET Core Web API 6
16 May 2022 by GerVenson
Morstachio, the upstarter of Mustachio. Formatter and best friend
3 Oct 2012 by jim lahey
Hello everyone,I've been searching round the net for a few days now for a guide to setting up a Windows Identity Foundation Security Token Service that specifically uses a username and password to authenticate the user requesting the security token via a custom credential store - in this...
28 Feb 2019 by Apriorit Inc, MikeSotnichek
The details of the NEO DoS vulnerability and how to recreate it.
16 Sep 2020 by Jeremy D Richardson
Have a problem that I feel like must have been solved in some elegant ways but wanting some input. I'm using vanilla Javascript to solve this but wondering if perhaps there is a more elegant React solution or some other library. Problem: Have an...
30 Sep 2020 by Ana Carolina Zambon
How to consume authorized back-end services while transparently handling refresh token renewals
14 Dec 2018 by Apriorit Inc, MikeSotnichek
Examples of fixing vulnerabilities in smart contracts
23 Jun 2016 by Member 12589834
I need to implement my own version of the StringTokenizer class. It would I'd like to know if I'm at least heading in the right direction with my isDelim and my first ST method, as they are the only ones I want to work with.What I have tried:Here are the 2 methods I want to work...
7 May 2013 by Coder Block
Hi guys, this morning i got this prorblem while parsing my text file.I have simple code to parse string is as follow,const char* LastLineOfFile = FinalExecutionOfJob[NumberEntriesInLastExecution+1];char * pch;char* TempStr = strstr((char*)LastLineOfFile,""); const char*...
16 Jul 2013 by DyldoB
Our company recently acquired Office 365 Sharepoint Online and the employees have been tasked with managing their projects through the system.Capturing tasks and time is terrible through the current interface which has led me to investigating creating a web interface which interacts with the...
29 Sep 2016 by GaneshRfromSpace
Given a string s , matching the regular expression [A-Za-z !,?._'@]+, split the string into tokens. We define a token to be one or more consecutive English alphabetic letters. Then, print the number of tokens, followed by each token on a new line.Input FormatA single string, s.s is...
2 Feb 2017 by AminMhmdi
hi i create web api project and use bearer token for user authorization problem is when send username=xxxx&password=xxxx&grant_type=password to http://address/Token it can generate more than one token for each user.i want to generate one token per user how can i do this??What...
12 Jan 2023 by Member 13788770
iam try sign invoice by this code Dim data As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(serializedJson) ' Dim factories As Pkcs11InteropFactories = New Pkcs11InteropFactories() Dim factories As New...