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Great Reads

by Daniel Vaughan
Create best-in-breed cross-platform MVVM apps using Calcium for Xamarin.Forms.
by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
An entertainment app written in C# language for the Xamarin Forms and Android, using a SQLite local database
by Daniel Vaughan
Create a Xamarin Forms tabbed page or carousel page by binding to a collection of ViewModels; extending beyond the current capabilities of Xamarin Forms.
by n.podbielski
Use of IoC container in Xamarin on example of TinyIoC

Latest Articles

by Chandru BK
This article will assume you have basic knowledge of C# and Xamarin Forms and shows how to implement the Xamarin Form Validations using simple Data Annotations applied on the models.
by Zijian
A series of articles comparing programmer experiences of Angular, Aurelia, React, Vue, Xamarin and MAUI
by Zijian
A series of articles comparing programmer experiences of Angular, Aurelia, React, Vue, Xamarin and MAUI
by Zijian
Use PowerShell scripts to generate icons of native mobile apps

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16 Apr 2021 by Stephen Marcus
Replaces events and any other async void cases with awaitable Task signatures.