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Everything / Programming Languages / Visual Basic 8 (2005)

Visual Basic 8 (2005)


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by Abhishek Sur
Gives an introduction of how to create SQL CLR managed objects in SQL server.
by kirkaiya
A very simple, XAML-based month-view calendar that shows appointments, exposes events, and allows dragging appointments in the current month.
Implementation Nhibernate concept in VB.NET
by Miran.Uhan
Grayscale and color scale filters.

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by Claudio Nicora
An extended NumericUpDown control with better focus and mouse wheel management.
by Richard Atkins
Create a fluid, multi-column, vertically ordered list using nested, floating divs
by nogChoco
LineNumbers that dock to a RichTextBox or show as an overlay on top of it
by Troy Simpson
Setup a simple and cheap computer controlled watering system using VB.NET or C# and a parallel port relay controller

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Visual Basic 8 (2005) 

14 Sep 2009 by Abhishek Sur
Make your class library COM visible using few simple steps
24 Aug 2009 by Martin Hinshelwood
Even though this sounds like a really simple thing, what if you do not know the name of the controls, and you do not want to have to add a bit of code that you, or another may developer may forget to every piece of code with a timer in it.
21 Aug 2009 by Martin Hinshelwood
I am not sure if this is a good idea, but I was bored one day and decided to add a TFS Error Log provider for Elmah. There are 2 ways you can do this.
22 Apr 2009 by Nicolas Brassard
Fake ISAPI Handler to Serve Static Files with Extensions that are Rewritten by URL Rewriter