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Great Reads

by Ravindra T C
How to create SVN Repository in Cloud and Configure using Ankh SVN Client
by Dan Neely
If you still have access to the SVN server, you can use SVN export to get a copy of the committed files that don't have any .svn clutter in it.
by Rick Bassham
Example of how to write a custom LogParser input plugin, using SharpSvn to query an SVN repository
by DillonRaney
How to recursively remove .svn folders

Latest Articles

by Michael Haephrati
How to migrate an Assembla space to Github, including Tickets, contributors, files and source code
by Jaiswar Vipin Kumar R.
In the digital world, we are in Machine Leaning Phase. Where are need to everything on lighting speed. Data storing as we need, in our custom formant, and their availability, stability should be done on finger tips with low infrastructural cost.
by Grant_Fritchey
Grant Fritchey argues that getting your databases under source control is not only vital for the stability of development and deployment, but it will make your life easier when something does go wrong.
by Dominic Burford
Versioning your .NET application with Nant and Subversion

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14 Jul 2014 by Redgate Software
If you’re thinking about adopting database source control, or have a system but aren’t using it consistently yet, here are seven tips to avoid deployment disasters.
28 Oct 2014 by Grant_Fritchey
Grant Fritchey argues that getting your databases under source control is not only vital for the stability of development and deployment, but it will make your life easier when something does go wrong.
30 Sep 2019 by Michael Haephrati
How to migrate an Assembla space to Github, including Tickets, contributors, files and source code
18 Jul 2014 by Alexander Sharykin
Creates activity charts for SVN repositories
24 Mar 2014 by GWallis
This hook validates code with StyleCop before or after they are checked in to ensure they conform to validation rules.
3 Jun 2014 by Matthew Dennis
Migrating CodeProject's source code repositories from SVN to Workspaces::GitMachine. Despite having a non-standard layout for the SVN repository, migrating the code and history was a simple process
14 Mar 2011 by DLChambers
A pre-build-step tool that pulls the project's SVN revision and updates AssemblyInfo.cs.
19 Jul 2017 by Jaiswar Vipin Kumar R.
In the digital world, we are in Machine Leaning Phase. Where are need to everything on lighting speed. Data storing as we need, in our custom formant, and their availability, stability should be done on finger tips with low infrastructural cost.