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.NET 1.0


Great Reads

by Stoyan Damov
Internet File System from scratch - making web services and peer-to-peer technology work together to build a virtual file system
by Nish Nishant
Demonstrates the usage of splitters, treeviews, listviews, panels, toolbars
by Dan Peverill
A managed DirectX class library that can be used as a foundation for basic 2D games. Demo included.
by almere109
DirectX.Capture class examples showing how to grab a frame from video and how to make a VU meter for audio

Latest Articles

by Shivprasad koirala
6 steps to enable transactions in WCF
by Shivprasad koirala
This article explains plug and play architecture using policy application blocks.
by Randy Kroeger
This article provides an example on how you can change application configuration settings within an existing ClickOnce publish, update the manifest files, followed by using the Mage utility for updating the manifest using the existing cert file.
by User 257328
Demonstrates how to call ASP.NET webservices from the client within other languages and platforms

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.NET 1.0 

28 Sep 2002 by Stoyan Damov
Internet File System from scratch - making web services and peer-to-peer technology work together to build a virtual file system
3 Jul 2002 by Nish Nishant
Demonstrates the usage of splitters, treeviews, listviews, panels, toolbars
9 Nov 2003 by Dan Peverill
A managed DirectX class library that can be used as a foundation for basic 2D games. Demo included.
8 May 2009 by almere109
DirectX.Capture class examples showing how to grab a frame from video and how to make a VU meter for audio
6 Dec 2002 by hzhou
A C# implementation of bucket elimination algorithm for inference in belief networks.
1 Jul 2009 by Muhammad Akhtar Shiekh
An article on "How to authenticate windows user using form authentication in ASP.NET?"
19 Oct 2002 by Roman Kiss
Using the WebService Probe to publish details of the "talking" between the web service and its consumer. Here is its design, implementation and usage in the WebService Analyzer Studio.
2 Nov 2001 by Roman Kiss
This article describes a .NET Application model driven by the Web Services using the Virtual Web Service Proxy (written in C#)
14 Oct 2002 by Douglas Earl
Use .NET remoting to send the contents of your clipboard to another computer
30 Oct 2001 by Nish Nishant
Shows how you can pass data to your worker threads
8 Jul 2002 by Bo Norgaard
A class for holding a list of IP numbers, which you can check new IP numbers against.
31 Oct 2001 by Nish Nishant
Introduction to using the Monitor class for accessing shared resources from multiple threads
11 Jan 2008 by eransha
The article briefly discusses deadlocks behavior, and presents an easy way to detect them.
20 Jun 2004 by Sergei_VP
.NET wrapper of the system Header control.
30 May 2003 by Simon Gregory
Describes an approach for delivery of Soap Messages serialised using ASP.NET Web Client Services over TCP/IP
3 Apr 2005 by ibrahimuludag
An article describing how to create a server control that preserves the scroll position in longer pages.
17 Oct 2005 by Bill Pierce
Creating an ASP.NET server control wrapper for the Google Maps API.
13 Jul 2002 by Marc Clifton
This is the second part of a multipart article on unifying web and window form application development. This part demonstrates synchronous and asynchronous event handling of GUI control events, abstracting the implementation of web/window forms to be technology independant.
12 Jun 2002 by Nish Nishant
Tutorial on creating your own collection classes that are enumerable and sortable. Explains in detail the usage of the IEnumerable, IEnumerator, IComparable and IComparer interfaces
3 Feb 2017 by
In "REST - Overview" article, I were introduced the basic rules in RESTful, Can you show me how to implement in WebApi?Ok, in this article, we will learn how to implement those rules in WebApi using C#.Where could I get sourcode was used in this article?Please checkout the code at
23 Sep 2003 by Al Alberto
An account of my experience in learning to develop in the .NET environment
5 Sep 2008 by IncureForce
How to disable FlashPlayer (AxShockwaveFlash) right-click ContextMenu
20 May 2002 by Andrew Peace
(Yet) another screen saver for the Code Project competition, with code in C# and (coming soon) some details about how certain aspects of the code involved work.
16 Oct 2002 by Marc Clifton
Implements an instrumented event manager which can be used to invoke event sinks both synchronously and asynchronously. The event sink can be declared using either the System.EventHandler delegate or by reflection.
19 Mar 2002 by Alex Mikunov
.NET Extensions that provide an infrastructure for enforcing database-like data integrity constraints
16 Oct 2002 by Rüpel
Getting the current Status of a UT2003 Gameserver via UDP Queries
18 Apr 2001 by Erik Thompson
Create an ATL Server to generate random tips using a Server Response File
22 Oct 2001 by Roman Kiss
This article describes how to design, build and install .Net Application into the COM+ Catalog without using the ServicedComponent class in your application. The solution shows retrieving the assembly and class attributes (included custom) from the assembly file and their storing into the COM+ Catal
30 Dec 2007 by AGD-H
Knit is a Visual Studio add-in tool that allows a developer to apply multi-step patterns to solution and assembly meta-data.
24 Dec 2008 by Flamewave4
A phone number structure that can be used for parsing, validating, and normalizing phone numbers.
15 Dec 2011 by OriginalGriff
How do I put this, without actually being rude....No.If you want a complete application written to your specification, you have two choices:1) Write it yourself.2) Pay someone to write it.The first option is easy - get started and do it.The second option is harder. Try...
28 Aug 2014 by ZurdoDev
As mentioned in comments, you need to move whatever code you want to call into its own method. Then you can call it whenever you want including in the event for FormClosing. That is the proper way to do it.
7 Nov 2012 by semoLi
private void TextBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e){ if (e.KeyChar == '\r') { if (this.ActiveControl != null) { this.SelectNextControl(this.ActiveControl, true, true, true, true); } e.Handled = true; // Mark the event as handled ...
11 Sep 2016 by Avatar2400
This is a simple class that allows you to have message box with checkbox and other small features.
11 Sep 2000 by Chris Maunder
Matt Pietrek gives us his view on the world.
18 Jun 2001 by Chris Maunder
Live from steamy Atlanta, GA.
19 Aug 2002 by Soliant
Use Managed C++ as your code-behind file for ASP.NET web pages
1 May 2012 by Jean-Francois Lanouette
This is an alternative for "Simple & Advanced Pivots with C# and ASP.NET"
20 Sep 2012 by Sreedhar Puligundla
Simple steps to create SQL joins by using SQL Server 2008 Management Studio
11 Oct 2013 by heemanshubhalla
How to use Masked Textbox control in .NET
18 Mar 2014 by Pragmateek
How to reduce the size of MongoDB documents generated from .NET/C#
30 Oct 2014 by CPallini
When you write:class B : A {/*...*/}class B inherits from Object via class A, hence you have Object
30 Oct 2014 by User 11060979
In very short:Read Solution #1 from CPallini. He is explaining why the situation you described is not multiple inheritance.To give you a basic idea what multiple inheritance is:You have e.g. two classesclass Aclass Band from this you do (not possible in c#)class AB: A, BSo...
8 May 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The rule is using Reflection: for a variable v, call v.GetType(), or for a type T, call typeof(T). Both expression will return an object of the type System.Type. Check the instance property System.Type.IsPrimitive.For type overview, read this article:...
8 May 2011 by NuttingCDEF
See[^] - first link I see will do!
25 Feb 2013 by Matt T Heffron
Add a reference to the System.Numerics assembly, then add using System.Numerics; to the c# source and then declare your numbers using the type BigInteger instead of int.
12 Mar 2013 by Am Gayathri
Hi, I want to show one image inside my datatable. Am using code, dr = dt.newrow(); dr[0]= dt.addrow(dr);How can i do this?Here am checking some values, For example the value in any cell is greater than 50 the it should show one...
20 May 2013 by Basmeh Awad
you have taged so many which language you are going to is an example in VB.Net[^]
31 Dec 2018 by Randy Kroeger
This article provides an example on how you can change application configuration settings within an existing ClickOnce publish, update the manifest files, followed by using the Mage utility for updating the manifest using the existing cert file.
14 Jun 2022 by OriginalGriff
Don't. ID's should not have to be sequential, they should be unique. If you change ID values, then any data which was not removed relating to the old ID will be associated with the new instead, and that can cause massive data integrity problems...
27 Apr 2002 by Michael Mumcuoglu
ApplicationData is a generic utility library class for managing an application's data
25 Nov 2002 by Gevik Babakhani
A wizard application for creating ImageLists
11 Dec 2007 by Andrew Friedl
Using the KudzuASp Template Engine for Classic ASP
5 Feb 2010 by #realJSOP
This is not an appropriate Quick Answer question. The chance that the person you're trying to contact will even see this is remote at best.
5 Feb 2010 by Richard MacCutchan
Please, use the forum at the end of the article, that's why it is there.
15 Apr 2010 by Paulo Morgado
16 Jul 2010 by Abhinav S
See here[^].
23 Feb 2011 by fjdiewornncalwe
Perhaps Working with a Certificate Authority in C# can help?
15 Dec 2011 by Pranit Kothari
I think you should read this[^]Quote:i want to know about this technology and which skill needed for doing this. Because nowdays all are doing mobile recharge from website. then i want to plan this is my project for my semister doing help to build up a good portfolio. I want to know...
8 Sep 2012 by OriginalGriff
"what should i put in the place of path and imgPath"public void CreateBarcode(string data) { imgPath = string.Format("{0}{1}.png", path, data); Bitmap barcode = new Bitmap(1, 1); Font threeOfNine = new Font("IDAutomationHC39M", 60, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, ...
7 Mar 2013 by pradiprenushe
Add rowdeleting event.protected void gridview1_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { int ID = (int)gridview1.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value; // primary key // you can write code here to delete record using ID// use sql query to delete data//e.g String strQuery =...
12 Nov 2013 by Abhinav S
Nope. I guess not. At least not in any ethical way.
14 Nov 2013 by CHill60
Your column name is too long for the database you are trying to store it on.Stick to 64 characters or less.Actually MUCH less, this is far too unwieldy as a column name and you should avoid spaces and special characters as well[Edit]An example of (good) SQL server naming standards[^]
14 Nov 2013 by Maciej Los
Solution 1 is very, good... I would recommend you to use aliases ;)Please, read it: Getting Data between Excel and SQL Server using ODBC [^]. There you'll find many useful information.
26 Nov 2013 by Am Gayathri
How to do progress bar in windows application?In my windows application i have one login screen.If ypu click on log in button then application will check the access using client context(share point object).Application will take 30 sec to check the access.I wanna shoe progress bar while...
24 Nov 2013 by Thomas ktg
Refer here,[^]
24 Nov 2013 by AnthonyMG
You need to do some ground study on showing Progressbar.Step 1.You can have your own custom progress bar with information(Strings getting updated) create Progress bar viewStep 2. nest the long running thread inside the Do Work delegatepd.worker.DoWork += delegate(object s,...
30 Jan 2014 by CoderPanda
It seems like you have got a corrupt solution. I do not have an elegant solution, however I think only Rebuild should help as it internally cleans first and then builds the solution. See here[^]Also may I suggest a work around? Can you create a brand new solution and add projects one by...
13 Feb 2014 by joginder-banger
try this link a complete information how to bind.........DataGrid Template Columns creation in Runtime (using C#) and DataBinding[^]
13 Jun 2014 by future2015
It's not difficult. Use below code, please.string input = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("Title", "Prompt", "Default", 0, 0);if (input == verificode){// entered number matches with verification number// do something}else{// not match}
18 Aug 2014 by pradiprenushe
Set CausesValidation property to false for clear button
18 Aug 2014 by Snesh Prajapati
You must add "return" asfor more...Have a look on How to Call javascript function on button click event[^]Thanks.
20 Aug 2014 by Prakriti Goyal
Hello,ViewState can only save data during postback of your page. Here, what you are doing is transferring it to other page and hence viewstate loses data. While Session maintains data for current user and that is why it does not loses data.For...
11 Nov 2014 by Maciej Los
Add something like this at the end of query:ORDER BY CASE WHEN FieldName = 'test' then 0 Else 1 END, FieldName[EDIT]Example:!6/ca7a1/2[^]
15 Dec 2014 by DamithSL
it is called lambda operator, parameter specify in the left side and the right side of the operator you can specify the expression/ statement : Lambda Expressions (C# Programming Guide)[^]CP articles:- Basics of LINQ & Lamda Expressions[^]- Exploring Lambda Expression in...
15 Dec 2014 by Manoj Kumar Choubey
A Lambda expressions are a simpler syntax for anonymous delegates and can be used everywhere an anonymous delegate can be used. However, the opposite is not true; lambda expressions can be converted to expression trees which allows for a lot of the magic like LINQ to SQL. For ExampleList...
5 Feb 2015 by Sujith Karivelil
I think cwc is TagPrefixFor registering Telerik.Web.UI you can use something like this:]]>and are helpful to access telerik controls using tagprefix as
10 Feb 2015 by Leo Chapiro
The first one is a public variable (a field) of type string, the second one is a property.Here you see 5 reasons why use properties over fields ([^]): 1 - Fields can not be used in...
22 Jul 2016 by OriginalGriff
Very, very unlikely..NET V2 was released in 2007 - nine years ago, and made massive improvements to V1.0It is not likely that anyone is going to have a version that supports .NET V1 sitting around ready to be "bolted in" to your application.Instead, I'd strongly recommend upgrading your...
2 May 2024 by Pete O'Hanlon
So you are looking at setting up password flow for this. You can find details on how to accomplish this from here[^].
22 May 2003 by Microsoft (VSIP)
Learn more about some of the tools integrated into Visual Studio .NET and its newest release, Visual Studio .NET 2003.
2 Nov 2003 by John Juback
ComponentOne DataObjects for .NET (C1DataObjects) is based on Microsoft ADO.NET technology and enhances it in many significant ways to streamline database application development.
30 Sep 2003 by Redgate Software
ANTS Profiler allows you to identify slow lines of code in .NET applications within 5 minutes of installation, allowing you to get on with what you do best – writing code.
30 Nov 2003 by Infragistics Inc
Windows Forms TRACKER reference application and eBook by noted author and INETA speaker Jason Beres
19 Jan 2004 by Matt Rhoades - Relational Solutions
Visual Integration Studio is a powerful data integration, ETL (extraction, transformation and load) and process automation tool.
1 Mar 2004 by PortSight
Free .NET Component for managing users and controlling access to your applications. 
25 Mar 2004 by Redgate Software
No professional athlete would stop short for five seconds before scoring a touchdown, sinking a basket, or blasting a goal. Similarly, no statistical-based sports simulation game should require users to stare anxiously at a computer screen as they wait for game results to load.
2 Apr 2004 by Business Objects
Simplify your workload. Spend less time reporting, and more time on core application development.
21 Dec 2004 by Infragistics Inc
The Expense reference application demonstrates rich client features in a thin-client application using Infragistics NetAdvantage toolset, web services, client side java scripting, XML data binding and other real world code samples.
19 Apr 2004 by Redgate Software
ANTS Profiler used to optimize code, lower hardware costs and improve application performance.
19 May 2004 by Redgate Software
This article demonstrates how ANTS Profiler and ANTS Load, two developer tools from Red Gate Software, can be used to successfully optimize the performance of a .NET application.
25 Nov 2004 by Redgate Software
ANTS Profiler allows you to identify slow lines of code in .NET applications within 5 minutes of installation, allowing you to get on with what you do best - writing code.
4 Jan 2005 by Donald King
.NET Development Component for adding maps to your Windows desktop or ASP.NET web applications.
4 May 2006 by Simon Galbraith
The architect of ANTS Profiler talks about his work.
16 Jun 2007 by NineRays, Mark Sochan
Most .NET software projects can easily be tampered, exposing your software to security risks and theft of intellectual property. This article shows different techniques used to protect .NET code and determine the best protection for you. 9rays.Net offers you Spices.Obfuscator to these ends.
16 Jul 2007 by NineRays
The advertorial is mainly about protecting intellectual property and the essential points to remember in order to do so. It mainly emphasizes on the benefits of obfuscation and how it can help in disabling easy reverse engineering in .NET codes.
7 Dec 2007 by vadimas
Troubles putting JavaScript code inline with VB.NET or C# code
7 Dec 2007 by tobinharris
In this article, Tobin Harris introduces a new Ajax library for ASP.NET and explains its benefits over Microsoft ASP.NET Ajax. He demonstrates an easier approach to .NET Ajax applications, even for those without serious JavaScript skills.