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Articles by Jonas_Martinsson (Article: 1)

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14 Dec 2007   Updated: 14 Dec 2007   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 2   Popularity: 1.51
Licence: CPOL    Views: 126,293     Bookmarked: 8   Downloaded: 0
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Introduction to Mainsoft's SharePoint Federator for WebSphere Portal, a Visual Studio®-based software development kit (SDK) that enables you to deliver an integrated user experience across Microsoft® SharePoint sites, .NET and Java™ applications, without sacrificing your workgroup's autonomy.

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Israel Israel
Jonas Martinsson is an entrepreneur and member of the Mainsoft development team. He's helped integrate Mainsoft's products with the Visual Studio IDE. He also worked on the SharePointDataSource designer and installation system for the SharePoint Federator release.