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Articles by 65Goat (Article: 1)

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Hosted Services
5 Mar 2015   Updated: 5 Mar 2015   Rating: 4.69/5    Votes: 15   Popularity: 5.51
Licence: CPOL    Views: 20,931     Bookmarked: 19   Downloaded: 0
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This contest submission is for a home monitoring solution that reads temperature, humidity and states from various sensors around a home. The data is stored in Azure and can be accessed via mobile devices.

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Architect Terminal Solutions
United States United States
I have recently changed direction in my career and am focusing, once again, on software development. I have over 30 years experience in the software industry. 19 of those years at Microsoft Corporation in many different technical roles. I have a B.S. in computer science from Valparaiso University and deep experience with Object Orientated design and development.

My recent passion revolves around IofT and how this technology can fundamentally change how business understand and react to their competitive landscape.