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Everything / Database Development / Redis



Great Reads

by Aleksandr Ulanov
Learn how to use Redis and its geospatial indexes and commands for complex geo calculations
by KimJohnson
.NET Redis container and strongly typed data objects
by Jonathan Cardy
Account of why and how I have written an open-source library for caching Redis data within a .NET client.
by Matthew Dennis
A Redis Client written from the ground up using System.IO.Pipelines, Span, etc

Latest Articles

by Gerardo Recinto
Scaleable Objects Persistence, a Micro Service companion database engine, i.e., a code library
by José Cintra
IoT architecture proposal for sensor data acquisition modules using the REDIS database and the GO language
by KimJohnson
.NET Redis container and strongly typed data objects
by Gerardo Recinto
Scaleable objects persistence, ACID transaction adapter

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10 Aug 2022 by Aleksandr Ulanov
Learn how to use Redis and its geospatial indexes and commands for complex geo calculations
30 Jan 2024 by KimJohnson
.NET Redis container and strongly typed data objects
3 Feb 2016 by Jonathan Cardy
Account of why and how I have written an open-source library for caching Redis data within a .NET client.
29 Apr 2021 by Matthew Dennis
A Redis Client written from the ground up using System.IO.Pipelines, Span, etc
16 Jan 2016 by Najeeb Shaikh
Unlike SQL databases, Redis does not support querying by columns natively, which means that you have to maintain your own indexes. As it turns out, Redis provides a rich set of data types to the programmer to ease this task.
20 Dec 2017 by Garbel Nervadof
Creating a very simple console chat app using C# (.NET Core) and Redis pub/sub feature, just with 55 lines of code
8 Sep 2022 by Taiseer Joudeh
Part 1 of a 10 post tutorial where we will build a full microservices app using Dapr and then deploy it to Azure Container Apps
28 Mar 2018 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
How to build an app with chat capability using Azure Redis cache
30 Jan 2024 by José Cintra
IoT architecture proposal for sensor data acquisition modules using the REDIS database and the GO language
13 Feb 2019 by Philipp_Engelmann
With IoT (Internet of Things) on the rise and hardware getting cheaper and cheaper, it's a great time to explore the possibilities this new technology provides.
17 Dec 2014 by wliao
Implementing an auto completion feature with Redis, NodeJS and jQuery
5 Dec 2017 by Renz Ladroma
This article will show you how to setup an automatic backup for Redis database.
12 Mar 2020 by Kevin Mack
What kinds of things should I avoid, or remove from my applications to improve my position moving forward
24 Nov 2021 by Arctype SQL
There are three major types of database models in use today. Learn about their differences and what applications they are good for.
18 Nov 2014 by Mack Ait-Aoudia
Introduction to Redis for performance
11 Apr 2015 by Micha C
This is about creating a single page web site using an ASP.NET Web API Service which stores the data via Cache Manager.
21 May 2015 by Vladimir Dorokhov
Development cross platform Chrome Application for Azure developers.
28 Aug 2015 by Cybermaxs
Last time, I explored how to store time series in Microsoft Azure Table Service. This time I’ll do the same but in Redis. It’s is a very popular key-value store (but not only) and I highly encourage you to review it if you still don’t know it.
23 Apr 2016 by Prasoon Madnawat
This articles describes how to write a caching solution using Redis on .NET platform.
16 May 2017 by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
These parts of redist are not documented as far as I know... However here how you can parse it... First notice that the data is separated by classic C carriage-return+newline (\r\n)... So you should interpret it line by line... Lines beginning with * (asterisk) are counters... So the first line...
4 Jan 2018 by Philipp_Engelmann
In this short tutorial, I want to show you how to set up a simple Redis instance using Docker Compose. We will connect to it and test it using Python and the redis package.
25 Jan 2018 by Philipp_Engelmann
How to set up and deploy web applications using Flask and Redis on the Backend, and ReactJS on the Frontend. Using Docker Compose, it will be very easy to start, debug and deploy this application.
27 Feb 2018 by OriginalGriff
This is one of the most common problems we get asked, and it's also the one we are least equipped to answer, but you are most equipped to answer yourself. Let me just explain what the error means: You have tried to use a variable, property, or a method return value but it contains null - which...
27 Feb 2018 by F-ES Sitecore
Use the debugger and look at the "_newsarticleProvider" variable on the line that throws the error and you'll find it is null. At no point are you assigning a class to the variable, you're never creating an instance of ArticleProvider. Create a constructor for your controller and in that...
25 Jan 2024 by Gerardo Recinto
Scaleable objects persistence, ACID transaction adapter
30 Nov 2014 by JasminHan
I'm find out the way to configure the RedisDB in a project that use Mosquitto MQTT as a broker. Is there anyone to know about how to configure RedisDB in Mosquitto MQTT broker Project? Tell me please!!!
31 Dec 2014 by pjsr
Hi, I am using wordpress at . My domain is "". My aim is to set up some webpages which have multiple users logged on and communicating with the same MySql database. When one user changes certain things in the database, I would like triggers to cause certain...
18 Jan 2015 by pjsr
Here are the beginnings of a solution: I learned how to start a background java script, and how to make a socket connection to it from a php template file. Then the script and the template can send messages back and forth over the socket. First I had to purchase a dedicated IP address from...
18 Jan 2015 by pjsr
i almost forgot. For the above to work, you must install start the Redis server using ssh, before running the em.js file: ./redis-server
16 Apr 2015 by Swethu Sri
I have build an e-commerce website using express.js The authentication method used is passport.js. We store the cookie with all the information we needed in redis.Everything was fine until we started driving more traffic.Now the problemWhen user A comes to site, logs in make a...
16 Jun 2015 by
How to copy a sqlserver table data to redis Cache. I have 250000+ records in the sql table and i need to copy that to redis cache. And from redis cache i will query data to frontend. Any approach or code will be appreciated.
24 Aug 2015 by Mohan Gopi
Hi Friends, In my web application i am using redis4net for writting error log. Here everything is happning fine. I want to set redis database index for wrtting error log as well as i need to set expiry time for that error log key. So please can anyone suggest me on this.Advance...
20 Sep 2015 by Member 11999125
I use master/slave patter in my project.I have a problem now.I writen a hashset int master,and read the hashset from slave immediately.The data is writen 1000 data in the hashset,but only 800 get.but i can get 1000 data sooner.How i can solve this problem.I need your help,thank!
24 Apr 2016 by Member 1097736
I read through many blog posts and documentation . But am unable to proceed further with redis implementation.What I have tried:I have installed redis locally .Inserted data and retrieved data using web api in c# code with help of servicestack drivers.I want to configure the redis...
24 Apr 2016 by Member 1097736
To manage cached data we must specify configuration parameter and its values.An example of redis.conf file is available in redislinkWhen redis is used as a cache server, it uses an approximated LRU(Least Recently Used)technique to evict cached data.Data can be evicted by using any 7 of...
3 Aug 2016 by Member 7730622
I would like to write unit test for one of my application which uses Azure Redis Cache. Since I am completely new to writing unit test code using mock/stub/fake, I am looking for help in how I can start with the basic script for mocking/stubbing cache component. It would be great, if somebody...
1 Mar 2017 by Sajid227
I have a very basic question,that when we deploy our application on cloud,and to manage the traffic we use load balance,Now if a user hit server 1 through load balance,his session is created with that server,and after some time his hit is refer to server two by load balance,will his new session...
23 Apr 2017 by Member 1097736
I have been using StackExchange.redis and StackExchange.Redis.Extensions libraries to drive data in and out of redis. Initially i used StackExchange.redis, var propertyList = ConvertToHashEntryList(productObject); db.HashSet("Product:" + productObject.ProductID,...
16 May 2017 by Member 1097736
I am getting response for the command -sentinel masters against redis server. public string GetMasterFromSentinel(string sentinelAddress) { TcpClient server; try { var splittedAddress = sentinelAddress.Split(':'); ...
30 Jan 2018 by gbalamurugan
I have new in Redis cache implementation and got in simple example with getstring from Redis Cache. But Same time I didnt get any idea about Set and get list values through Redis. I have Using Provider and Repository. Please help me how to further proceed... What I have tried: public...
24 Mar 2020 by Shashank Laxman
I Have a project that needs to be migrated from .Net framework 4.5 to .Net Framework 3.5. What I have tried: Problem is whenever i try to build project in .Net 3.5,it says Stackexchange.Redis could not be found Added package dlls to my project. Please help out or at least give some...
20 Feb 2018 by OriginalGriff
Answered only to remove from unanswered queue: solved by OP.
1 Mar 2018 by gbalamurugan
I have using dependency injection and my problems get solved public static class DIContainer { public static UnityContainer container; public static IUnityContainer Initialise() { container = new UnityContainer(); RegisterTypes(container); ...
27 Mar 2018 by #realJSOP
I have no idea what SETEX is, and don't care, but a simple goole search revealed that you're not supposed to set the cache time to 0. No expiration for 0 TTLs in redis store · Issue #26 · throttled/throttled · GitHub[^]
1 Sep 2018 by RockstarSuraj
Hi ll I am using redis cache on my local Machine. I have enabled the cache for one of my method using the cacheable anothion. Application is not able to cache my method. public class RedisConfig { @Autowired private JedisConnectionFactory jedisConnectionFactory; @Bean public...
19 Dec 2018 by Iris Shing
I'm writing APIs using c#.Net Core One of my APIs is used to generate captcha then store to the session, I'm using Redis to store session here. And now I'm trying to write a unit test for the APIs. Cause the login API needed to pass captcha, so I need to get the captcha value from the session....
7 Mar 2019 by HarishChepuri
Hi, can any one give the example for redis report queries usually we will use group by in sql queries how to achive same result in redis What I have tried: i tried using ZRange i struck at creating indexes for string
7 Mar 2019 by Mehdi Gholam
Read the documentation : Secondary indexing with Redis – Redis[^]
14 Mar 2019 by Member 14183003
I am thinking about using redis on a client device(iOS) and now wondering how it is possible. From Google it seems like someone was able to host redisDB on Android, but I am not able to find any relevant materials for iOS. So how does one go about installing and running redisDB on to a iOS...
22 Mar 2019 by Member 13518243
Hello there, I am developing a web service application with .NET Framework 4.5 / Web API 2 and I am using OWIN for authentication and authorization. So, for this application we need a load balancer solution then we set up that as you know after that users' tokens are not working properly....
30 Mar 2019 by setevoy4
Redis replication setup example with a basic Master-Slave replication and Redis Sentinel
29 Mar 2019 by setevoy4
In this post – some quick overview, a brief explanation about differences in Redis data storage, topology examples. In short terms but with links to detailed documentation and other useful posts on other resources.
3 Apr 2019 by setevoy4
The redis-py library and work with Redis Sentinel from Python
17 May 2019 by rohith naik
I want to run a program when Elasticache Redis starts up to load some values into it. For this I need to know when Redis starts up. I know that there is a seed file which can be provided but since the data is very dynamic, I can not place it in a file. I will need to load it on demand. The...
13 Nov 2019 by Dave Kreskowiak
You're going to have to ask Stack Exchange how to use their library. After all, they wrote the thing. Why would anyone else support their library?
27 Feb 2020 by Kiran Patel
Hello, i am trying to publish data to Redis as written code below, but don't know why i didn't get data to client side.. As even i am getting data to client when i am Publishing data with same channel-name from CLI or Command window in Redis...
27 Feb 2020 by Richard MacCutchan
catch (Exception ex) {} That is not going to help you. If an exception occurs you are just ignoring it. At the very least you should show the actual details from the caught exception.
6 May 2020 by NodejsToGo
I am writing a web crawler in Node js with the request module and redis as url cache. What I try to accomplish is a constantly crawler loop (endlessly) which gets a url from redis and makes a https request. I have tried to add paralell requests...
25 Oct 2020 by 2 7182818
With long and painful researches i decided to use session based authentication. I am developing an Web application with .Net core as backend and React js as frontend. I recently swap Node js backend to .Net Core. I am using PostgreSQL as my...
27 Dec 2022 by Shibiliya Ismail
I am building a chat interface in my laravel website. I get the following error in my chat page. GET 404 (Not Found) Here is my code : server.js var app =...
23 Feb 2023 by Tanjila Diwan
The following code creates a connection to Redis using the hiredis synchronous API: But I get null response with redisCommand in gcc version (10.2.1 20210110). What I have tried: #include #include #include ...
23 Feb 2023 by Andre Oosthuizen
I could not find anything on the subject, maybe check documentation on your API. I eventually ran this at GPT (yeah, I know). I have no idea if this will help you and I also make no claim to the code generated... The error is likely occurring...
13 Mar 2023 by Masis Levin
Redis with .NET | Redis Documentation Center[^]
29 Sep 2023 by OriginalGriff
All a Cache is is memory that is "closer to the processor" - often part of the same chip, and which is faster for the processor to access that having to go outside the CPU to main memory top get the value. And all frequent updates will do is...
1 Jun 2020 by Mohammad Nasirifar
Ways to overcome simple annoying problems that arise while writing code by writing tests
30 Jan 2024 by Gerardo Recinto
Scaleable Objects Persistence, a Micro Service companion database engine, i.e., a code library
2 Oct 2019 by Eduard Silantiev
Deep refactoring and refinement of ASP.NET Core WEB API application code
2 Oct 2019 by Eduard Silantiev
Using various approaches to increase ASP.NET Core WEB API application's productivity
23 Nov 2022 by alirıza adıyahşi
Creating a web farm on Docker container using redis, haproxy and abp module zero core template
16 Oct 2015 by Fiyaz Hasan
Creating local server farm with IIS to test out Redis session storing functionality in a ASP.NET web application.
19 Mar 2023 by Bohdan Stupak
How to perform distributed lock between multiple instances of a microservice with Redlock.Net
25 Aug 2016 by david.ribeiro
A small set of C# classes/projects that create a simple cache component that interacts with Redis
22 Nov 2019 by John-ph
A simple way to design queue based messaging solution in .NET Core to solve complex problems
3 Aug 2021 by Yaseer Mumtaz
ASP.NET Core Microservices With Angular 11 Front End, API Gateway, Redis and SQL Server
8 Mar 2023 by Khushboo Dewani
what is the code for add data in redis database using hash datatype of redis in C# core 3.1?Also what is the concept of master key in it? I have to analyse the code for add in api and rewrite the code for add so that my data should be...
23 Oct 2019 by gbalamurugan
Solution 1: It seems that you don't want to store a key by commanding redis to store a key. Which is very inconvenient. If you don't want to change your application code than you could save it just for 1 sec, which is minimal. As setex command expect the time is positive means greater than...
14 Apr 2020 by Kevin Mack
Cost projections and figuring out gross margin in cloud computing
2 Oct 2023 by Bhanu Arora 2023
I want to store a high computational parameter to prevent its recomputation. But this parameter needs to be updated frequently to maintain consistency, should I use cache or a database or is there any other better solution for this?? I am using a...
12 Mar 2019 by gbalamurugan
I have using web api and the method calling another Class library which is working fine. For implementing Redis cache, I changed to class to interface. In this case the method is not fired which is in class library. I am getting the below error "Object reference not set to an instance of...